
Friday, May 23, 2008

Deep Waters

I often find myself in the deeps of what should have beens and what isn'ts. While swimming in these waters I am blinded from all the potential what can bes. At times I catch glimpses but lack the faith to move to higher ground.

I must learn to soak up every moment that is shared with the ones I love. It won't be long until I will find myself in the pool of days gone by. I should like to meet all those precious moments shared for in that I shall find joy. But if in that day I again find the should haves and could haves my heart will weap for chances forever lost.

Leave the falls of yesterday Danny, and partake of the living waters of today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan.. I'm reading your blog and can't wait for more posts to come..

Writing is definetly in your future..
