
Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Almighty Snooze Button

In a previous post I mentioned my battle of waking up early. After further thought waking up is not so bad it’s actually getting out of bed that is the killer. There I lay, 6 am, after being so rudely awakened by some random radio station. The question is racing through my head, should I get up? There is a small part of me that is saying yes get up, go get things done. But that little surge of energy is quickly squashed by the ever powerful natural man. But wait there is hope. I can appease both logic and laziness; I’ve got a snooze button. I can just put the decision off for 10 more minutes. What a great invention. I can now procrastinate with the slap of a button. Man do I know how to procrastinate. I would challenge anyone to a procrastination contest, but let’s do it tomorrow.

How many things in my life am I pushing the snooze button on? Soon life’s alarm will stop ringing. No more call to awake and arise. I will have slept in missing all the beauty of the morning. Gone will be the chance to make the most out of the day. May God give me the ears to hear the ring of the alarm and may He give me the strength to arise.


Rod and Kandace said...

Danny! I really am reading your blog...I really do like it! Even though Rod isn't so sure about reading it, I read a few sentences that make me laugh, so at least he is getting it that way. Keep going, I'll keep reading.

Alisa said...

we are reading too, keep up the great work.