
Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I was thinking the other day it came to me, I’m an insane optimist. I’ve heard insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Well obviously why would I want to do that, this would become very frustrating. This is where the optimism comes in. Foolish optimism allows my insanity to survive. I find myself constantly saying this time will be different. This time I will succeed at whatever task I keep failing at. Nevermind I haven’t really changed my approach to the problem, the only difference is, well actually nothing is different, but that doesn’t matter it will work out this time. What great optimism.

I’ll share an example. For years now I have wanted to become a morning person. I want to wake up at the crack of dawn and accomplish things. Interestingly enough the best way to wake up early is to go to bed early. Tomorrow I would like to wake up at 6 and get a few things done. It is 11:45 in the pm as I type this post but oh well, some unforseen power within will help me get out of bed in the morning, you watch, it will happen. And my insanity continues.

I should like to take this journey of noting my thoughts and progess. Hopefully at the end I will find myself sane, safely founded in principles that cause real change in my life, and of course still optimistic for the furture.

Wow it is getting late, I better get to bed because tomorrow I am going to get up early and get a lot of things done.

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